Another Blog Trial

I've tried a few other blogs before.

I had a blog where I painted Warmachine models every day (During the last one, I finished my Cygnar Battlebox). I've had one for my Fictional Soccer League (simulated via Pro Evolution Soccer, but never updated via blog), and another for my Armies of Warhammer Project (Which I finished collecting, collected more stuff, mutated into an Age of Sigmar project, and am nowhere near completing).

I've made other projects too. I built a Buylist for what I wanted to create Warmahordes Armies (mostly on hiatus due to how freaking expensive it is for just a little, also, the Warhammer Fantasy collection), I've started a sim League with OotP Baseball 18, and, I found the love of my life and got married. I've had plenty of projects before too, mapmaking, Magic the Gathering Collecting and playing, gambling, and superhero comics (self written).

Most of all, I wouldn't mind reading about how others may be doing these same things. The only thing I can think to do now is start putting them out there for others to see and gain motivation from. I'm not sure if anyone will ever read this, or have a need to, but if they do, it's here.



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